Monday, September 21, 2009

What are friends for?

Yesterday, 20/09/2009, The Four below came for Marcus' outing.
From left, myself (CS), Marcus, Jermaine and theory, 20+ secondary school friends are invited and yet, we only got 4. About 10 weeks ago, we went to the same place, we met Kak Song. Our old friend, lost touch since we left our dear Chai Chee Secondary...This time, we met Yutong, Limei and Yuki (Zhang Li). While Limei and Yutong was invited.

I am not blaming them for not going, because they went out with other friends. As shown above, there are writings on the Soccer Ball Marcus is holding. The three girls did help us write a little note on it, Appreciate it., Thank you.

Other excused -> Michael, Can only book out (NS) at 10pm. Karen, Parents came back from oversea, can't go out. Sharon, family dinner. CK, due to total communication break down, i don't think he even know about this outing.

But, due to personal anger, the following can't be forgotten. CY (Friday) "If nothing goes wrong, i can make it", On the day, 3pm 'Sorry, i can't make it'..., Ian - (Not sure what words he used) confirmed with Alvin that he is coming but last minute, someone at home told Alvin, Ian is playing soccer (Meeting time, 7:30pm, Alvin calling time, 6:45pm, and finally, 7:30++, Ian gave what all known as excuse and didn't turn up. Fiona? Previously said that she have a travel fair. but, she was online the whole afternoon.

But, proudly for a Liverpool fan like Alvin, Alvin, "So irony, i am a liverpool fan, yet i brought a Manchester United Cap for Marcus" (Marcus, he is warning you to take good care of it. lol)
While Jermaine and I took a walk in Tampines 1 to get the ball and SOMEWHERE we(all 3 of us) got the cake (Below Picture bottom right corner, just one slice though)

Marcus' T-Shirt is cute. lol. White Hair guy with a big sword? Kinda of like it. it would be great if he is an anime character.

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