Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back to work

One Down, many more to go, for Xiong and Zax, who just joined in the crew in ST Electronics. Others, 11 down, 13 more to go, 1 more week to (the real) Half way through.

It had been a slacking week, where by i had no programming responsibility at work. And also, not in the mood for programming at home. Learned a few tricks though. After learning some tricks, I am back on designing my Contact List for Desktop, which many said that we have our phones, why need one for Desktop. My reason being, well, when my phone malfunction the other time, I lost all my contacts. While some people, touch wood, may have lost or misplace their phones sometimes. Saving it on your desktop might, just might, help.

I am looking into VCards, which can be read on most phones, turning these VCards into Contacts. On some more recent phones, contacts can even "Send Contact via VCard". If these VCards are sent to computers, they will be in .vcf format. Usually, we will open these VCards using Microsoft Outlook, but for programmers like me, when programming things like these, we need to read these files using WordPad or NotePad.

(self reflection)...
This year seems to be a little to happening for me. First thing first, Polytechnic Year 2.2, Term B, at starting year. Enjoyed a series of happy events with C175, as i am in the same class with them.

Before Semester 2.2 ends, i learned a lesson. a hard one...

Year 3.1, learned hardship. Continued from above Hard Lesson, getting Hard Lesson 2. Which totally sum up, Do Not Trust your friends with your heart and Do Not Rely on your friends. Most likely, they can't be trusted/Relied on.

Hard Lesson 2. When Competition (Java Open Jive) is so stressful, Our great C173's God and Famous Ernest are not making any effort to cover things for me. While, one of the subject, after i broke up with them, the team member i found, isn't any better......

In the past, I might think that I covered most programming jobs for Louis V made them CAN'T program. But, it ends up being, Without Louis V, I am the one who cannot survive. I relied on them too much, instead of them, relying on me.

Internship is almost half way through, my supervisor is hiding my weakness for me, so i seems to be in good shapes up till now. Learning more skills, hiding more and hiding from my weakness. I can totally imagine what will happen when i am back in school, exploited by weakness once again. Hmm...i am too far ahead. Back in School is in December. Let's turn back the time a little.

Recently, after being influenced I am attracted to a Korean Singer/dancer. Her name is Yuri and she is in So Nyuh Shi Nae aka Girl's Generation.

O...she is so pretty. lol......can't really focus in life because of her now...

Because of This year's events, i am starting to feel...the old me is disappearing...the old me, with less emotions, dead brain, helping people (if i can manage) without much thought...Earlier this year or was it last year, i mentioned, "Dead Fish Mode"...i guess, i can't become the dead fish i used to be, just as, Time can't be Turned Back Wards, if today, 19/09/2009 is gone, there will never be another 19/09/2009.........

Life Goes On...

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